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Considered Trading Instruments

Of course, there are most financial instruments that you can afford to trade with online tutorials through brokers. Before you choose which instrument is worth considering for transactions, there are various things that must be considered including liquidity, volatility, affordable transaction fees, and the availability of information with sufficient tutorials.


Below are a number of instruments that you can consider in trading, as follows:

Stock trading online

Stocks are one of the most popular instruments in the world of online trading. As we all know, shares become proof of ownership shares aka a company. In general, sheets of shares are sold by companies that are in need of capital on a stock exchange. And in the country, the stock trading mechanism is regulated by the Indonesia Stock Exchange which regulates stock-related issues such as price, trading time, number of unit lots, and others.

If you want to know the tutorial on buying and trading stocks, please click here and here.

Online forex trading

Another financial tool to consider next is forex aka foreign exchange aka foreign exchange. Thus, so that the financial instrument transacted is a foreign currency with the aim of making a profit from the trade difference between the two currencies, for example USD / JPY aka the US dollar currency paired with the Japanese Yen. Usually forex trading requires a large capital, but because it is the help of leverage, forex trading can be done with small capital, even starting from hundreds of thousands. Therefore, there is no more reason to delay learning forex trading. Is forex profitable? Of course. It's just that, to make a profit, it takes patience, accuracy, and experience.

Trading on CFD CFDs

aka Contract for Difference is a contract that is established between traders and brokers who agree with each other to implement the exchange of price differences on one major asset in the time span from the beginning to the end of the contract. By trading these CFDs, traders have an expectation that the CFD they are buying or selling will have a price difference and move according to the expected direction.

If you want to know more details about this CFD trading, so you can click on the following link.

Trading Bitcoin online as well as other

cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has become quite popular in the past decade although the regulation of trading this type of currency is still unclear and controversial. Among dozens of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is the most popular in use both internationally and in Indonesia. Now bitcoin trading itself can be interpreted as an effort to sell the bitcoin coin assets that we have at a higher selling price than when buying it, with the aim of bringing material profits. Of course, you need to realize that the price of bitcoin is very volatile, able to rise and fall with drastic tutorials depending on a number of external things such as demand and supply and world market developments, and so on. You are encouraged to be more careful about bitcoin trading because it opens up opportunities to huge financial losses.

ETF (Exchange Trade Fund)

Trading This activity is a form of mutual fund that has a joint investment contract format whose shares are traded on a stock exchange. ETFs themselves are basically a combination of mutual fund elements in terms of fund management and stock mechanisms in terms of buy and sell transactions in the stock market. Usually the purpose of this trade is to diversify investment assets, and is due to flexibility like buying and selling stocks on the stock exchange.

Trading gold online

Gold instruments are currently able to be traded with online tutorials through a number of brokers. But of course, the gold here will not be in the form of gold jewelry aka bars that with the invisible tutorial you can have and use. As with trading on forex, trading on gold is also implemented. That is, if a trader speculates that the price of gold will rise to the dollar price, so he will make a buy. The opposite is if his speculation refers to a decrease in the price of gold in the future, so he will sell .. Here it can be said that a trader will be required to deposit money at one online broker according to the amount of gold he wants to trade. It is simply explained that the amount of the deposit amount will adjust the price of gold in the market at that time and how much it will be purchased. Then, the online broker will act as an intermediary who will offer gold buy and sell services with online tutorials, where in the forex market, gold trading will be paired with us dollars aka XAU / USD.

Basic Differences between Investment and Trading

If you look at the tutorial carefully, so there are indeed various differences that are quite basic between investment and trading activities.

In investment, for example, the desired time is usually long-term and the profit you want to achieve comes from price increases in the long-term period. Because the focus of investment is the fundamentals of the company as well as the macroeconomic situation, so the analytical tools used include technical analysis, news analysis, corporate actions and bandarmology. Meanwhile, the strategy taken is usually with a tutorial on buying investment assets at best and then hold.

As for trading, so the desired time is generally short-term and the profit to be obtained comes from price increases in the short-term period. Because the focus of trading is price movements in the short term, so the analytical tools can include fundamental analysis, macroeconomics, micro companies and sometimes also booklogy. While the strategy usually used by trading is to buy an instrument whose price has a chance of rising in a short time.

Is Trading considered an act full of speculation and gambling?

The most frequently asked question by aspiring novice traders is whether trading activities can be classified as activities full of speculation and gambling. The answer is very different, where in trading, a trader will be required to analyze with an in-depth tutorial when making buying and selling transactions of a financial instrument. A trader will do all of that based on careful profit calculations and a capable and controlled analysis strategy.

Meanwhile, speculation and gambling are often associated with transaction patterns based on luck, and certainly do not require strong and accurate analysis and often do not have a theoretical basis when making transactions. Speculating and gambling are strongly discouraged from starting one transaction because it is an opportunity that opens up will be fifty-fifty aka profit or loss without the need for economic analysis efforts both with micro and macro tutorials and attention to all world market developments. In Indonesia itself, all activities aka transactions that smell of gambling / gambling that only rely on speculation of profit are still considered illegal.

In simple terms, it can be described this way, if a trader practices buying and selling transactions with the possibility aka opportunity of profit of between 60% to 80%, so the activity is called trading. However, if the profit opportunity is very unclear and cannot be calculated, so that it can be classified as speculation aka even gambling.


Because of the large number of advantages offered by this trading activity, the interest of the Indonesian people has increased. But it is also necessary to realize that not only does trading bring profit, trading also turns out to be a way to create material losses to us. therefore, for those of you who are studying this trading practice from A to Z, it is very desirable to have patience and consistency, so that you do not become regretful in the future.

1.Does everyone have the potential to become a professional trader?

Of course, interestingly, you don't need to have an educational background in economics and business to start studying trading. You can use certain moments to deepen your trading knowledge, even if you like politics and law for example. You can read most free e-books about trading and investing, participate in seminars and special classes and others.

2.How much capital is desired when trading?

To make a trade, it is precisely desired the initial capital that you can deposit as a deposit at the broker you choose. The amount pegged between one broker and another is exactly different. Therefore, to find out more about the amount, it is recommended to access the official website of each broker that has been selected.

3.What is liquidity and volatility in the trading world?

Liquidity is an ease of conducting buying and selling transactions for a financial instrument at any time. Instruments with a high level of liquidity tend to be easy to play because a trader is able to get into and out of his position with easy tutorials. While volatility refers to the ability of an instrument to make increases as well as decreases in price with drastic tutorials.


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